Quick Translation: entering, participating, or joining a competition

A: Are you running for student council president?
B: I've been in the council for two years, so maybe not this time.

A: 당신은 학생 카운실의 대표를 목표로 하시나요?
B: 전 2년 동안 카운실에서 일해 오고 있어요. 그래서 아마... 지금은 아니지만..

Posted by anal

Quick Translation: The remainder of the day, later on in the day

A: Hey Josh, when is your next class?
B: My professor is absent, so I'm free for the rest of the day. Yeah!

A: 야, Josh, 너 다음 수업 언제야?
B: 내 교수님이 결근 하셨어. 그래서, 오늘 남은 시간 모두 자유야. 야호!

Posted by anal

Quick Translation: regain consciousness

A: I need my dvd player, I'll be going home soon.
B: Sure, I'll get it back from Chris when he comes to

A: 나 내 DVD 플레이어 필요해. 나 곧 집에 갈거야.
B: 물론, 내가 Chris가 의식을 회복하면(정신이 들면) 받아 올거야.

Posted by anal

Quick Translation: decrease tension, pressure, or speed

A: The statesmen have to ease off on the bickering.
B: Yeah, because of all the conflict, we're accomplishing nothing.

A: 그 정치가 말다툼에서 좀 긴장을 낮춰야 해.
B: 응, 모든 이해 대립 때문에 아무것도 성취를 못 하고 있어.

Posted by anal

Quick Translation: a subject  on which people have different opinions

A: It's a matter of opinion regarding which is the greatest religion.
B: You're right. To everyone, their own religion is the best there is.

A: 어떤 종교가 최고인지에 대해선 견해상 문제야.
B: 맞아. 모든 사람에겐 그들이 믿는 종교가 최고지.

Posted by anal

Quick Translation: not be relevant to the matter being discussed

A: How did you learn baking?
B: We're talking about boxing, that's beside the point.

A: 제빵 어떻게 배웠어?
B: 우리 권투 이야기 하고 있어. 주제에 벗어나잖아.

Posted by anal

Quick Translation: run suddenly and fast in order to get out of danger, etc.

A: Lunch break is almost over.
B: You're right, we'd better make a run for it!

A: 점심 휴식이 거의 다 끝나가.
B: 맞아. 우리 빨리 가는게 나을거 같아.

Posted by anal

Quick Translation: It's easy, there's nothing difficult involved.

A: How did you cross that thin piece of wood?
B: There's nothing to it but focus and balance.

A: 너 그 가는 나무 어떻게 지났어?
B: 집중하고 균형만 잡으면 별거아냐(쉬워).

Posted by anal

Quick Translation: straight away, on the spot.

A: When did you finish the project?
B: I did it right there and then, so I wouldn't have any problems afterwards.

A: 그 프로젝트 언제 끝냈어?
B: 바로 끝냈어, 그래서, 그 후에 아무런 문제도 없었어.

Posted by anal

Quick Translation: be tolerant to others of different opinions, lifestyles etc.

A: I just can't understand why these people are wearing scarfs.
B: Just live and let live, I guess they just want to.

A: 왜 이 사람들 스카프 하는지 이해가 안되네.
B: 간섭하지 말고 살아. 그 사람들 그러고 싶으니까 그럴테니.

Posted by anal

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데이터베이스의 품질과 분석에 대한 정보를 공유 by anal


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